eZ-Xpo Social Single Sign-On (SSO) is specifically designed for B2C event organizers for quick registration for ongoing virtual expo marketplace. eZ-Xpo is the world’s 1st virtual trade show marketplace to support Social Sign On (SSO) across social platforms including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+.
Single sign-on (SSO) offers users the ability to use a variety of password-protected online applications and web sites without having to log in repeatedly, allowing enterprise customers to simplify their web application and security deployments, and give users a seamless experience.

According to the latest eMarketer 2013 report, nearly one in four people worldwide will use social networks in 2013. The number of social network users around the world will rise from 1.47 billion in 2012 to 1.73 billion this year, an 18% increase. By 2017, the global social network audience will total 2.55 billion.
With our new Social SSO feature, event organizers can easily attract more attendees to register on their virtual trade show for participation. Trade Show organizers can definitely use this special registration feature as their advantage.

eZ-Xpo’s new Social SSO feature allows new users to register directly into the Virtual Lobby of the Virtual Expo Marketplace using their email address or Social SSO, which connects via Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, or Google+ accounts. The feature helps to reduce the number of passwords users have to remember each time they access their accounts. For new eZ-Xpo customers, users can choose to sign in with a social network or email address. eZ-Xpo will then automatically connect the user’s preferred social network if they choose to sign in that way.
Effectively now, eZ-Xpo Social Single Sign-On solution supports over six major social networking portals (i.e., Facebook, Twitter, Linkedln, Google+, Yahoo, and Four Square) with over two billion social networking users worldwide. eZ-Xpo will continue to add more major social networking sign-on as they become available.