Generate More Quality Leads & Shorten Sales Cycle
Instant CRM Integration – With eZ-Xpo your marketing and sales teams can listen and respond to community conversations to gain a better understanding of your customers’ business needs while at the same time gaining access to qualified buyers. Exhibitors can get all qualified leads with contact information instantly from the virtual booth.

CRM Integration
eZ-Xpo CRM-Connect for top CRM vendors (i.e., Salesforce, Oracle, SAP, Hubspot, Microsoft, SugarCRM, InfusionSoft, and Zoho) is a social CRM integration that provides a robust way for companies to accelerate the salesforce automation by capturing qualified leads from each virtual booth. Exhibitors in the virtual booth can quickly capture qualified leads from attendees and feed them to their respective sales representatives for follow-up.
eZ-Xpo CRM-Connect bridges virtual trade shows and social CRM in a way that benefits customers, marketing, and sales, automating the processes and tasks that were previously managed in separate, disconnected platforms while achieving better visibility across all stakeholders.