Broadcast Your Event Live & Engage to Global Users
According to the latest comScore and UStream statistics, live streaming has been growing leaps and bounds with over 600% growth in many different applications. Most live streaming applications have only used the live chat function with attendees and we see a total untapped virtual business ecosystem opportunity to leverage live streaming for every event. Organizers can offer related exhibitors to participate in a virtual booth where they can showcase their latest products and services, offer special deals and provide complementary services to the event.

Live Streaming 2.0 is headed to be a key focus trend for collaborative engagement with multiple groups of exhibitors and attendees in any physical trade show, conference or event. Attendees can not only access the live streaming video easily and quickly but are able to learn about various sponsors associated with the industry. Exhibitors can engage with specific groups of attendees through virtual booth in multiple virtual breakout sessions.
eZ-Xpo Live Streaming Ecosystem solution continues to help revolutionize how we engage with each other. Attendees and participants are able to continue the conversation through small group breakout sessions made possible via virtual booths. Attendees can have one and one chat session with specific group leaders in each virtual booth setting. Group leaders can also conduct their own presentation in addition to the main live streaming event, allowing for a seamless educational track typically found at trade shows.
Here is a short list of live streaming application examples with Virtual Expo Marketplace:
1. Product Launch – In today’s live streaming 1.0 model, organizations of all sizes and in all parts of the globe are realizing the potential of live video communications to multiple audiences and power their growth in new and innovative ways. As a result, live streaming customers are now streaming 10,000 to 40,000 live broadcasts daily – from webinars to product launches, to press conferences and internal webcasts. Using the live streaming 2.0 model, live streaming service providers can take one step forward and offer every event organizer to offer virtual booth for every strategic partner to engage and collaborate with every attendee. Companies can have multiple virtual booth for multiple departments (i.e., customer service, marketing, sales) to have their presentation for their stakeholders. You can have an ongoing brainstorming discussion on the discussion board for specific issues and concerns.
2. User Conference – Most high tech or product companies have an annual user conference with their customers and resellers. The key objectives of the user conference are to provide the most updates news on the product release, and product roadmap. Attendees can participate in the main live video streaming session as well as participating in separate multiple breakout sessions via the virtual booth environment where a small group can discuss specific topics or issues/concerns regarding the new product/service release.

3. Entertainment and Music Concert – Hollywood celebrities have been a big fan for live streaming with both live fans and virtual fans all enjoying the music concert in one single place. Conventional wisdom shows that live streaming of concerts doesn’t keep people from attending, either. Increasingly, major music festivals such as Bonnaroo and Coachella regularly stream live performances, and as the technology becomes more accessible and less expensive, we can expect smaller venues and events to do the same. Charities and non-profit organizations can easily and quickly raise funds by offering live and virtual music concerts. Entertainment event organizers can take one step forward and create a virtual entertainment ecosystem, offering sponsors a virtual booth to engage their audience and fans for their next music concert in a virtual expo marketplace.
4. Personal Wedding (Over 250%) – According to the latest UStream data from Mashable, a growing group of tech-savvy couples are incorporating live video streaming of their nuptials online, so friends and family who aren’t able to make the event can still watch from afar. From May 2012 to May 2013, nearly 20,000 wedding broadcasts were streamed on Ustream, up from 7,800 from the same period the year before. The couples can easily pay off their wedding event by offering sponsors to participate through a virtual booth set up in a Virtual Expo Marketplace environment.
5. Focused Groups – Global Company can easily conduct both live and online focused groups across multiple city and country using live video streaming services with eZ-Xpo Virtual Expo Marketplace with qualitative research viewable from wherever you and your colleagues have an Internet connection.