Press Release
JumpStart Your Event, Your Local Business, Your Business Network
Hello everyone,
I would like to take a moment to share some ideas how you can help jumpstart your business with our “JumpStart Your Business 2013” solution as follows –
1. JumpStart Your Event – Instead of having one big conference or trade show a year, you can have an on-going mini-virtual expo marketplace by specific theme, and topics. If you are Small Business Consulting company, you can have different vertical industry virtual trade show every month. eZ-Xpo – Virtual Expo Marketplace will be a perfect complimentary on-going collaboration solution for every physical trade show or trade fair events.
2. JumpStart Your Local Business by City, States, & Country – Instead of having Daily Deal in many different places, you can have a Special Daily with your virtual expo marketplace with live and on-demand engagement via our virtual booth. In addition, you can host multiple virtual local expo marketplaces as well by city, states, and country.
3. JumpStart Your Business Network with our Private Business Network Marketplace solution – Instead of relying on Google, Linkedin, Twitter, and Facebook, every company should create your own Private Business Network Marketplace with constant live and on-demand engagement. Currently, you can network with over eight existing virtual expo networks and continue to grow more with diverse domain industry and demographics (i.e., Virtual Local Expo Network, Virtual Financial Expo Network, Virtual Health Expo Network, Virtual Talent Expo Network, Virtual Clean Tech Expo Network, Virtual Book Expo Network, Virtual Startup Expo Network, Virtual African American Heritage Network, Virtual Asian American Heritage Network, and Virtual Job Fair Network.)
Finally, it is the ultimate virtual expo network that makes all the difference for constant qualified traffic/leads, and constant engagement.
For a FREE consultation, please contact us at [email protected].