Alzheimer International Society to launch the World’s 1st Virtual Collaborative Network

Alzheimer International Society to launch the World’s 1st Virtual Collaborative Network to empower researchers and health care professionals to collaborate in the global effort to find a prevention and treatment for Alzheimer’s disease.
San Francisco, CA – January 31, 2019 – eZ-Xpo, the global leader in virtual collaborative networks, announced the world’s 1st Virtual Alzheimer Collaborative International Network (VACIN) through a strategic partnership with Alzheimer International Society (AIS). The AIS is the organizer of the Alzheimer Society International Congress, which will be held on February 18 to 21, 2019 in San Francisco.
ASIC 2019 is a leading forum in Alzheimer research and dementia care. The Congress will highlight the latest accomplishments in Alzheimer research and best practice in patient care. There are more than 44 million Alzheimer’s patients around the world. Alzheimer’s disease is the only major disease that cannot be prevented, treated, or cured. The theme of the 2019 Congress is “International United Front Against Alzheimer’s”.
In conjunction with the ASIC 2019, the Society will deploy the Virtual Alzheimer Collaborative International Network (VACIN) to expand its outreach worldwide, while empowering stakeholders including researchers, clinicians, healthcare professionals, biotech business executives to connect, communicate and collaborate online in the global fight against Alzheimer’s disease.
“We are excited to partner with eZ-Xpo to host the Virtual Alzheimer Collaborative International Network to empower our international members and stakeholders in the development for a new drug treatment, and to exchange best practices in dementia care,” said Lloyd Tran, Program Co-Chair of Alzheimer International Society.
“I am excited to partner with Alzheimer International Society to empower all global health care scientists and professionals to collaborate in the fight against Alzheimers Disease. With eZ-Xpo’s Virtual Collaborative Network, every health care professional and scientist can easily and quickly share their ideas with every stakeholder with live or on-demand engagement for unlimited joint opportunities,” said Matt Fok, CEO, and Founder of eZ-Xpo.
The eZ-Xpo – Virtual Collaborative Network will include the following features and benefits: (1) Virtual Expo, Virtual Training, and Virtual Pitch, (2) Social Live – Facebook Live, YouTube Live, Periscope Live Integration, (3) AI-Chatbot, (4) Video Conferencing, (5) Voting and Review and (6) Marketing Analytics, (6) Private Expo Network Exchange, and (7) SEO Booster.
For more information about VACIN, please contact Alzheimer International Society at or Matt Fok at
To register, please go to
The ASIC 2019 has been sponsored and supported by:
- Neuro Activa
- Vielight Inc.
- Cogniscient, Inc.
- AZoNetwork, Ltd.
- TransPacific Venture Capital Partners, Inc.
About eZ-Xpo
eZ-Xpo is a world leader in Virtual Collaborative Network empowering businesses to connect, collaborate, and promote through networks of virtual expo marketplaces for lead generation.
eZ-XPO delivers the World’s 1st Virtual Expo Network transforming organizations silos to productive events and network opportunities. eZ-Xpo is the Amazon of Network Collaboration for every industry and community empowering organizations to connect and collaborate for daily massive traffic and engagement.
eZ-Xpo has been operating in San Francisco Silicon Valley for over five years. eZ-Xpo has deployed the world’s all-in-1 virtual expo marketplace, results-oriented virtual collaborative marketing solutions for different industries and industry leaders such as Meeting Professionals International (MPI), America – SBDC, Wells Fargo, New York Life, MetaStock, Boeing, and Raytheon.
For more information on eZ-Xpo, please visit
Contact Information
Matt Fok
Founder and CEO
Phone: 1-888-718-5333
About Alzheimer International Society
Alzheimer International Society is a non-profit organization with the goal to find a cure for Alzheimer’s disease and to provide services and support to our stakeholders around the world in the most equitable ways. The Society is the organizer of the Alzheimer Society International Congress (ASIC), which is a leading forum in Alzheimer research and dementia care. The Congress will highlight the latest accomplishments in Alzheimer research and best practice in patient care.
The Society has launched United Front Against Alzheimer’s with the following objectives to: (a) Collaborate on the development of prevention and drug treatment therapy for Alzheimer. (b)Accelerate on the development of biomarkers and diagnostics. (c) Support the evidenced-based Dementia care practices. (d) Harmonize and speed up the AD drug approval processes between regional and international clinical trial systems. (e) Partner with the International Funds Against Alzheimer to raise $1 Billion to fund new concepts and clinical trials of new Alzheimer drugs with proof of safety and efficacy. (f) )Focus resources to bring newly approved drugs to the market by 2025.
Contact information
Alzheimer International Society
Tel. 1-650-826-2337